Serving Size Consideration: 1 cup cooked basmati rice
Safe Serving Size: 1.5 cups cooked basmati rice
Active Compounds: Low in fermentable carbohydrates, primarily contains easily digestible starches
Why it's problematic: Rarely problematic
Specific symptoms: Minimal to no digestive symptoms in most individuals
Typical reaction time frame: Usually no reaction
Individual variation: Very low variation between individuals
Cooking improves digestibility
Cooling cooked rice increases resistant starch content
Avoid combining with:
Safe complementary foods: Can be safely combined with most low FODMAP proteins and vegetables
Signs of success: Basmati rice is generally well-tolerated and safe for regular consumption
Common products containing garlic:
Alternative names: Indian long grain rice, Pakistani rice, Dehraduni basmati
Factors affecting tolerance:
Tip: Start with small portions if you're new to basmati rice, though reactions are rare